Author : kiera

If you have gone through the setup on DragonTeach, you will now have a WordPress install you can use. Congratulations! Now what? WordPress has a wealth of information and howtos on their web site. Check it out here… On this page, on the left side menu, take a look at “Basic Usage” and “Customizing” ..

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Take a look at the top of this screen, you will see a “Webspace User:” on the very top bar.   This is your user for the webspace.   You will use this to upload files to the site, or access cPanel.    To see your site, you either go to the domain you choose when you ..

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These instructions are required only if: You have signed up for a class which requires payment Or, You have signed up for a class which has ended, and you need to sign on to a new class In order to follow these instructions, you need to be logged into the instructor’s site.  If you just ..

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When configuring a class, you can set it up to allow students to select a subdomain from a domain you own.   For example, if you have, you can have your students choose as their domain. To setup a domain for this to work with, you will need to go to your DNS hosting ..

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When the student sign up for webspace, they are asked to select a class.  This is to organize the students so that they can be administered and marked in an orderly fashion.  You need to create one or more classes for your students to sign up. This assumes, that, if you want to install WordPress ..

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To access the dashboard, you should add wp-admin onto the end of your URL.   For example,  You will need to log in with your instructor account and the password.  If you cannot get into the site, you can try the “Forgot Password” button.   If you get in, and you don’t see the “DragonTeach” menu ..

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You start out with an instructor site.  This is the main site for all your classes and the admin available to your students.   This is a fully functional WordPress site, and as such, you have access to add plugins, themes, or any other customizations to make this site represent the classes you teach. The instructor ..

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Before you create any classes on the site, you will likely want to add an email restriction so that you only get students from your institution.  If your school gives out email addresses you can configure DragonTeach to only allow signups using those emails.    Enter your admin area on your instructor site Click ..

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When a student signs up for a class, they get a webspace.  You can select what gets installed into that webspace, such as a WP install.  To do this, you need to create an install type to specify what the student install should look like. Enter your admin site and go to “DragonTeach”  and “Install ..

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This article expects that your instructor site has been setup, if that is not the case, have a look at Getting your Instructor Site. Take a look at the following articles in the order they appear to get started. The Basics – an overview of the instructor site Getting into the Dashboard – How to ..

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